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Release notes

V1: Tatooine

November 1, 2021 7:19 AM

After proving the technology worked with our MVP, our Tatooine release includes a wide variety of additional features and improvements to make the product ready and usable for real-world projects.

Configuration and End User UX Improvements

With the core technology engine built and working, this release required a number of updates related to making the product more user friendly, from both an end user perspective as well as for configuration users. We also addressed as many of the bugs found during our initial testing as possible.

Preparations for External Users

We also invested heavily in development related to preparing PorterLogic for real customers and projects, including numerous security and privacy related improvements (data encryption, etc.). We added support for release flags, to make rolling out new features easier with actual users, as well as other updates along these lines.

UI-Based Logging

We extended our proprietary logging framework to include debugging and troubleshooting tools through our user interface. Gone are the days of spending hours pouring through massive text files to see what went wrong. Our logging technology makes identifying and fixing configuration issues simple and straightforward.

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 includes additional bug fixes and improvements related to our initial customer deployments, as well as enhanced features to support customer requirements.

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