Case Study

PorterLogic and $350M ecom retailer partner to automate inventory management

Business Profile

Industry: Direct-to-consumer ecommerce retailer

Product: Long-duration food kits


WMS: Deposco, MoveHQ, legacy homegrown

ERP: NetSuite, Maersk, legacy homegrown

File storage: Dropbox, SharePoint

Other: Amazon FBA, Slack, email alerts

Channels: Ecommerce

"PorterLogic is an amazingly flexible software solution that was easily curated to our company’s needs, rather than our company having to change the way we do business to fit the software."
Matt G.
Senior operations and fulfillment manager

Pain Point: Scaling supply chain operations, focused on inventory visibility, to keep up with the retailer’s 300% year-over-year growth

Value Proposition: Unify inventory data across their value chain — to stop manually managing inventory data in Excel files

Opportunity: The supply chain team had to manually pull inventory data from their network of third-party logistics (3PLs), shippers and suppliers. 

Solution: PorterLogic’s inventory management system unifies their view of their complete inventory position by automatically pulling data from internal and external sources, including on-hand, on-order and in-transit inventory, into a single place.

Opportunity: The retailer’s unique processes, including kitting, made calculating an accurate view of their inventory levels difficult. 

Solution: PorterLogic’s visual UI builder displays multiple views of their inventory to effectively manage their inventory, including a network-wide view, a warehouse-level view and a component-level view.

One UI is a scenario forecasting tool that allows the company to analyze different inventory positions to maximize the number of kits they can build.

Opportunity: Several of the retailer’s fulfillment partners did not have APIs for the supply chain team to connect with to access inventory data. 

Solution: PorterLogic can connect to any system — even those without APIs — to pull inventory data nightly/automatically.

The daily checks help the retailer optimize for low-inventory thresholds, items on backorder, warehouse capacity and significant inventory level fluctuations.

Time to Achieve: 90 Days

Data Required: On-hand inventory, purchase orders, transfer orders


Completely automated multiple inventory management processes

3,200 hours saved annually

162% ROI

5-month breakeven

$131k/year in direct savings

$250k in opportunity savings costs

Have a full picture of your inventory, updated, at a moment's notice

Automate operations. Reduce inventory costs. Get back to growing your business.

Learn more about how PorterLogic can help you scale your business more efficiently with configurable Procurement functionality.
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